Humanity Within

Rome, Italy, 4-8 September 2023

The ACM Hypertext conference is a premium venue for high quality peer-reviewed research on hypertext theory, systems, applications, publishing, artwork and related practices. It is concerned with all aspects of modern hypertext research including social and intelligent media, narrative systems and applications, authoring, reading and publishing hypertext, workflows and infrastructures as well as reflections and approaches.

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Featured Information

Call for Papers

The conference CFP will include workshops, tutorials, artworks, Traversals, demos, and research papers.


The 2023 ACM Hypertext and Social Media Conference is an in-person conference with virtual components including live...


Main Conference Venue Villino Stroganoff in Via Gregoriana 22, on the other side of the...

Call for Papers

The conference CFP will include workshops, tutorials, artworks, Traversals, demos, and research papers.